- Strachota P., Numerical Simulation of Water Freezing in a 3D Container Filled with Glass Beads, ALGORITMY 2024, 15-20 March 2024, Podbanské, Slovakia.
- Strachota P., DEM Simulations of Settling of Spherical Particles using a Soft Contact Model and Adaptive Time Stepping, Workshop on Scientific Computing 2024, 30 May - 2 June 2024, Děčín, Czech Republic.
- Strachota P., Challenges of simulating multiphase reacting flows in complex geometries. Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Kanazawa University, 11 January 2024, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Strachota P., Full-order multiscale model of lithium-ion battery, ČVUT Battery Day, 20 April 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.
- Strachota P., Numerically Efficient Determination of Kinetic Parameters of the VR-1 Nuclear Reactor based on Experimental Data and ODE-Constrained Optimization, Workshop on Scientific Computing 2023, 25-28 May 2023, Děčín, Czech Republic.
- Strachota P., Experimental validation of multiphase particle-in-cell simulations of fluidization in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor, 18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, May 7-13, San Diego, USA.
- Strachota P., Numerically Efficient Optimization of Kinetic Parameters of the VR-1 Experimental Nuclear Reactor, Workshop on Scientific Computing 2022, May 26-29, 2022, Děčín, Czech Republic.
- Strachota P., Experimental validation of multiphase particle-in-cell simulations of fluidization in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor, 8th international conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN) 2022, Aug 31 - Sep 2, 2022, Liege, Belgium.
- Strachota P., Full-order multiscale model of lithium-ion battery, Workshop Mathematics in Industry 2022, December 5, 2022, Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
- Strachota P., Experimental validation of multiphase particle-in-cell simulations of fluidization in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor, CoMFoS22 Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics 2022, December 6-7, 2022, online.
- Strachota P., Concepts of Automatic Trading on Crypto Exchanges (poorly) Supported by Deep Neural Networks, Workshop on Scientific Computing 2021, Aug 22-24, Děčín, Czech Republic.
- P. Strachota, CFD Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Fluidization in a Model of an Oxyfuel Fluidized Bed Boiler, ALGORITMY 2020, September 10-15, Podbanské, Slovakia.
- Strachota P., Beneš M., Eichler, P., Kolář M.,Žák A., Solovský J., Klinkovský J.: Numerical Simulation of Oxyfuel Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed Boilers. NC19 - Seventeenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, May 6-8, 2019, Aachen, Germany.
- Jakubec T., Strachota P.: Numerical simulation of multiphase flow in a fluidized bed boiler on unstructured grids. WSC 2019, Děčín.
- Strachota P.: HPC Facilities at the Department of Mathematics. WSC 2019, Děčín.
- Strachota P., Beneš M., Eichler, P., Kolář M.,Žák A., Solovský J., Klinkovský J.: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Bed Hydrodynamics in an Experimental Oxyfuel Fluidized Bed Combustor. ENUMATH 2019 - European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Conference 2019, 30th Sep - 4th Oct 2019, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
- Strachota P., Beneš M., Kolář M.,Žák A., Solovský J., Klinkovský J.: Challenges and Methods in Mathematical Modeling of Oxyfuel Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed Boilers, WSC 2018 Děčín.
- Strachota P., Beneš M., Kolář M.,Žák A., Solovský J., Klinkovský J.: Challenges and Methods in Mathematical Modeling of Oxyfuel Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed Boilers, CJS 2018, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Strachota P., Wodecki A.: A Parallel Algorithm for High Resolution 3D Phase Field Simulations of Polycrystalline Solidification, MMM 2018, Osaka, Japan.
- participation in SIGGRAPH 2017, July 30 - August 3, 2017, Los Angeles, USA.
- Strachota P., Pavlíček M., Smrčková S., Bortňák D., Ruttkayová Z. Procedural generation of virtual environments: algorithms and challenges, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2017 (WSC2017). Děčín, Czech Republic, June 8-11, 2017.
- Strachota, P., Wodecki, A. High Resolution 3D Phase Field Simulations of Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Solidification, short communication in the 14th International Symposium on Physics of Materials (ISPMA14). Prague, Czech Republic, September 10-15, 2017.
- Strachota P. A Hybrid Parallel Numerical Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Phase Field Modeling of Crystal Growth, short communication in ALGORITMY 2016 (20th international conference on scientific computing). Podbanské, Slovak Republic, March 13-18, 2016.
- Strachota P. A Hybrid Parallel Numerical Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Phase Field Modeling of Crystal Growth, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2016 (WSC2016). Děčín, Czech Republic, June 9-12, 2016.
- Strachota P. Numerical Simulation of Combustion in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, short communication in the Czech-Japanese-Polish Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2016 (CJPS2016). Kraków, Poland, September 5-9, 2016.
- Strachota P., Beneš M. A Hybrid Parallel Numerical Algorithm for 3D Modeling of Crystal Growth, poster at MMM2016, 8th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France, October 9-14, 2016.
- Strachota P., Beneš M., Fučík R., Klement V., Kolář M., Polívka O., Solovský J., Havlena V., Trnka P., Bašus O. A Multiscale Model of Lithium Ion Cell Dynamics with Thermal Effects, poster at MMM2016, 8th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France, October 9-14, 2016.
- Strachota P. Error Estimate vs. Experimental Convergence Measurement of the Finite Volume Scheme for the Allen-Cahn Equation, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2015. Děčín, Czech Republic, June 11-14, 2015.
- Strachota P. A Quasi-1D Model of Biomass Co-Firing in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2014. Děčín, Czech Republic, June 12-15, 2014.
- Strachota P. A Quasi-1D Model of Biomass Co-Firing in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, poster in The International Symposium of Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII. Berlin, Germany, June 15-20, 2014.
- Strachota P. Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Crystal Growth, poster in MMM2014 (7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling). Berkeley, CA, USA, October 6-10, 2014.
- Strachota P. Computational Model of Biomass Co-Firing and Pollutant Development in a Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler, short communication in "SIAM 14th International Conference on Numerical Combustion". San Antonio, TX, USA, April 8-10, 2013.
- Strachota P. Mathematical Modeling of Biomass Co-Firing in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2013. Děčín, Czech Republic, June 14-17, 2013.
- Strachota P. Finite Volume Schemes for Three-Dimensional Phase Field Model of Dendritic Crystal Growth, short communication in "FEIST 2013 (International Conference on Finite Elements in Science and Technology)". Prague, Czech Republic, June 20-22, 2013.
- Strachota P. Recent Improvements of the Numerical Model of Combustion in a Pulverized Mixed-Fuel Fired Boiler, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2012. Děčín, Czech Republic, June 15-18, 2012.
- Strachota P. Recent Achievements in Numerical Simulation of Biomass Co-firing in an Industrial Pulverized Coal Fired Boiler, short communication in ALGORITMY 2012 (19th international conference on scientific computing). Podbanské, Slovakia, September 9-14, 2012.
- Strachota P. MPFA Finite Volume Scheme for Solving Anisotropic Reaction--Diffusion Systems in 3D, contributed talk in the symposium "Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI", Praha, Czech Republic, June 6-10, 2011.
- Strachota P. Impact of Grid Geometry and Numerical Scheme on Crystalline Morphology in Three-Dimensional Phase Field Modeling of Pure Substance Solidification, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2011. Děčín, Czech Republic, June 10-13, 2011.
- Strachota P. Design and Verification of the MPFA Scheme for Three-Dimensional Phase Field Model of Dendritic Crystal Growth, short communication in ENUMATH 2011 (European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011), Leicester, United Kingdom, September 5-9, 2011.
- Strachota P. Computational Study of Operation of a Mixed-fuel Fired Industrial Steam Generator with Air and Fuel Staging Control, short communication in ÖMG Tagung, CSASC 2011, Krems, Austria, September 25-28, 2011.
- Strachota P. MPFA Finite Volume Scheme for Solving Anisotropic Reaction-Diffusion Systems in 3D, short communication in the Workshop on Multicomponent and Multiphase Materials. Prague, Czech Republic, October 6-7, 2011.
- Strachota P. MEGIDDO: Computational study of the MR-DTI visualization algorithm, short communication in the Workshop on Scientific Computing 2010. Děčín, Czech Republic, June 20-23, 2010.
- Strachota P. MEGIDDO: Numerical issues behind the MR-DTI visualization algorithm, poster in Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, August 30 - September 1, 2010, and Telč, Czech Republic, September 1-3, 2010.
- Strachota P. Antidissipative Numerical Schemes for the Anisotropic Diffusion Operator in Problems for the Allen-Cahn Equation, short communication in ALGORITMY 2009 (18th international conference on scientific computing). Podbanské, Slovakia, 2009.
- Strachota P. Analysis of the Parallel Finite Volume Solver for the Anisotropic Allen-Cahn Equation in 3D, short communication in ENUMATH 2009 - The eighth European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Uppsala, Sweden, June 29 - July 3, 2009.
- Strachota P. Application of Diffusion-based Image Processing Techniques in MR Tractography, contributed talk in Workshop on MRI and MRS studies in Tuebingen, Vienna and Prague. IKEM, Prague, June 6-8, 2008.
- Strachota P. Application of Anisotropic Diffusion in MR Tractography, contributed lecture in Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2008. Takachi-ho, Kyushu, Japan, September 2008.
- Strachota P. Finite Volume Method for the Allen-Cahn Equation with Anisotropy, poster in Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2008. Miyazaki, Japan, September 2008.
- Strachota P. Finite Volume Method for the Allen-Cahn Equation with Anisotropy, poster in Phase-Field Simulations: Materials Science Meets Biology and Medicine. Dresden, Germany, November 2008.
- Strachota P. Parallel Algorithm for Diffusion-based Tensor Field Visualizationin MR Tractography, contributed lecture in HPC-Europa++ Transnational Access Meeting 2008 (TAM08). Stuttgart, Germany, December 15-17, 2008.
- Strachota P. Vector Field Visualization by means of Anisotropic Diffusion, poster in Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2006. Prague, September 2006.